January, 2024
As part of the Jean Monnet module EU-GlobalAct, led by Assistant Professor Dr. Janja Mikulan, two exceptionally interesting workshops were held during the first semester of the 2023/24 academic year. In the course Challenges of Globalization, students, along with EU-GlobalAct team member Dr. Rene Suša, explored the complexities of global challenges. They examined how our understandings of sustainable development are embedded in socially conditioned desires and expectations about continuing our way of life and existence as we know it, and how these desires and expectations shape and limit our abilities to envision things beyond established patterns.
In the second workshop, led by another module team member, Assistant Professor Dr. Tjaša Stepišnik Perdih, students in the course Participation and Assistance in the Community gained new insights into the topic of resilience to stress, learned the TRE (Tension, Stress, and Trauma Releasing Exercises) technique, and explored the significance of the polyvagal theory.
Through both workshops, students acquired new knowledge and skills that will enable them to think more deeply about the challenges faced by individuals and societies and to seek innovative solutions both on national and EU levels.