August 2024
We are pleased to announce that the photograph of our assistant and member of EU-GlobalAct Nejc Gajšek (together with Nejc Gajšek) won a third place in the category Climate action in your community.
The European Climate Pact invited everyone across the EU to submit a photo and caption of the climate action they are taking at home, in their communities and cities.
The story behind the photo is the following: “We are becoming a throwaway generation. We easily discard not only our possessions, but also our relationships – be it friendships or romantic ties. In response to this mindset, my partner and I have committed to making a positive impact on our local community through plogging. By combining paddleboarding and jogging with picking up litter, we aim to show our community that trash isn't just something unsightly, but an opportunity to make a meaningful difference. Plogging has changed our time together and strengthened our bond as a team. Our efforts have gained attention from the history museum, which recognised our initiative as good practice. Inspired by the words of scout leader Baden-Powell, "try and leave this world a little better than you found it". We strive to do exactly that.”